the father care piece piece

HEY!   Do you have everything with you? I actually wanted to write you a letter. It was actually like a short memoir. I wanted to tell you about the day I left home. But this is another story. One day I will tell you my story. I am not telling you this story now because it is probably not so interesting for you now. Because now you have to leave and I have to stay and I am repeating myself a bit right? I am stuck in the word now. But now now if I say now/if I am stuck in the now, I can say everything I want now. And you you can have everything you want now. You want a magic island. I get you a magic island. But there is this distance. This distance between you and me, now and back then.   Is it possible to care for one another using theater and dance? For The Father Care Piece Piece, I work with three choreographer-directors-artists living in Austria, who are fathers themselves and who are old enough to be my own father; namely Frans Poelstra, Roland Rauschmeier and Yosi Wanunu. By using and abusing different aesthetic approaches from dance, music and melodrama, we playfully tackle relationships of power and care, looking for a new definition of role models, fatherlyness and body.   Common conceptions of authority and hierarchy are reproduced and mixed together. Is it possible to redefine the role of the father aside from patriarchal dynamics and structures? In the microcosm of the theatre family, pressing societal questions regarding working structures and constellations getting discussed. Maybe there is a way to overcome stereotypical role models. photos Christina Mies



Concept and performance Veza Fernández; performance Frans Poelstra, Roland Rauschmeier, Yosi Wanunu; costumes and more Nina Divitschek; sound design Jakob Rüdisser; production Almud Krejza; dramaturgy Monika Klengel

A production by Tears and Drama in co-production with the Freischwimmer Festival. With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs.

Direction and performance: Veza Maria Fernández Ramos Performance:
Veza Maria Fernandez Ramos
Frans Poelstra,
Yosi Wanunu,
Roland Rauschmeier
Sound design: Jakob Rüdisser
Production: Almud Krejza
dramaturgy: Monika Klingel
Costume and set design: Nina Divitschek
“The Father Care Piece” was supported by the “Freischwimmer Theaterfestival 2016 Venues: brut / Vienna, Sophiensäle / Berlin, Mousonturm / Frankfurt, Pathos / Munich, FFT / Düsseldorf, Gessnerallee / Zurich,
Performance period October 2016 – April 2017